Series: 'CSI: Miami'
Episode Title: 'Double Cap'
Episode Number: 119
"Horatio battles the FBI and U.S. Marshals in this well- crafted episode as he tries to
uncover why a beautiful woman was murdered poolside at a ritzy hotel. His investigation
begins shortly after the bikini-clad 27-year-old is found dead from two shots to the head.
Evidence suggests it was a professional hit, which is strange enough.
But the case becomes really puzzling when the Feds take an interest and U.S. Marshals show up.
Plus, the murder weapon may be linked to a cold case once investigated by Horatio's sister-in-law (Sofia Milos).
Elsewhere, Calleigh confronts her dad about his drinking problem after she's called
away from work to drag him out of a bar"

Original Airdate: March 31, 2003
Rerun: September 08, 2003
Fan Rating: 7.5/10 (Full Poll Results)
Nielsens Rating: 11.4/19
(Full Report)

Written By: Marc Dube
Directed By: Joe Chappelle

Guest Stars

John Heard as Kenwall Duquesne

Tom Hillmann as Special Agent Sackheim

Rex Linn as Detective Tripp

※ 증인 보호 프로그램으로 보호 받고 있는 증인에 대한 수사가 진행됨
※ 캘리의 알콜중독증세가 있는 아버지인 Kenwall "Duke" Duquesne의 소개가 나옴

출처 :
CSI Files

by 용건만 간단히 2008. 6. 1. 20:19