Gary Sinise and Co. are taking a little detour to Nellyville this fall.

Sources confirm to me exclusively that rapper and occasional actor
Nelly is joining CSI: NY for a multi-episode arc.

The Grammy winner will play a club owner who serves as aconfidential informant to Mac and his team.
"He's a great actor," gushes executive producer Pam Veasey of Nelly,
whose only major thespian credit to date is 2005's The Longest Yard."He really stepped up."

In other CSI: NY news, in a piece of stunt casting that has thewords"Danny/Lindsay montage" written all over it,

Maroon 5 will make a cameo in this season's second episode,airing Oct. 1.

래퍼 넬리와 마룬5가 CSI :NY에 출연한다고 하네요...

넬리는 클럽 소유주로 나와서 정보를 전해주는 역할로,마룬 5는 무슨 역인지는 안나오는데 10월 1일 방영되는 "Danny/Lindsay montage" 에 카메오로 출연한다고 하는군요

갈 수록 볼거리가 많아지는 CSI:NY네요...^^

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by 용건만 간단히 2008. 7. 30. 02:12